Updated July 20, 2010
40-Year Reunion Home Page |
This is the HELP PAGE for the 40-year reunion photo album for the Class of 1970.
The reunion was held Friday, June 25, 2010, at "The Lodge At Brainerd Lakes" on Highway 371.
These pictures were taken by Tony Gebhard ('69), who volunteered his time for us.
You will need a monitor with at least 1024x768 resolution to browse this album.
Maximize your browser's window for best results
(you should see a column of small "thumbnail" images on the left side of this page).
Click on a thumbnail image (121x81 pixels) in the left window frame to see the larger image
(860x576 pixels) displayed in this window frame.
Each thumbnail is about 3 kilobytes. Later ones will continue to load as you
view earlier ones. The larger images are 50-70 kilobytes each and should be
suitable for prints. If you need the original high-resolution photo (3872x2592 pixels)
which are about 4 megabytes each,
let me know.
You can redisplay this HELP PAGE by clicking on the HELP PAGE link in the left window.